Monday Aug 01, 2022
Continuity with Martin Marshall and Emma Gladwinfield
In this week’s episode, we share our experiences of attending the recent RCGP Annual Conference, and our thoughts on the topics that were covered in the talks at this year’s event. We talk to RCGP Chair, Martin Marshall, about continuity of care, which he states is one of the defining features of general practice. Evidence has shown that continuity of care is associated with better health outcomes for patients, but how can doctors convince politicians and policymakers of the benefits of it? We also speak to Emma Gladwinfield, a GP in Rossendale, about how connecting with schools, churches and community centres is helping to build relationships with patients and deliver care in her local community. Our guests: Martin Marshall is the Chair of the RCGP, a GP in Newham, East London, and Professor of Healthcare Improvement at UCL. Emma Gladwinfield is a GP in Rossendale, East Lancashire. Further reading:
‘Tackling the crisis in primary care’. doi:10.1136/bmj.o1485.